Craft groups busy working and learning Building the Stable . Crib scene made from hand made figures. The scene will move from house to house. Crowns from the 3 kings adorn the crib in the stable.
The Christmas tree
 Santa is told to leave before his beard is pulled off!
 Prayer Tent where children wrote prayers about Christmas

Christmas Crackers for pulling with friends at the meal table.

| | Christmas Messy Church - 2 December |
Christmas Messy Church on Sunday 2nd presented the
'real Christmas' and the birth of Jesus Christ. St. Mungo's
church hall hosted a near 'full house' of children and parents who came
along to help and join in. We counted just over a hundred people who
joined in the crafts, singing, prayer and watching the 'nativity play',
before enjoying a great meal.
afternoon started with 'Messy Crafts' in the hall.
The children eagerly moved from one craft to another, with a range of treats on their journey around the hall.
Meantime the workers started on a major piece of construction!
|  | A Creative Prayer Zone
was also made available with the family prayer box. Notes put in
the box were prayed for by someone from the prayer team.
The Crafts :-
An angel visits Mary - Making a 3D angel decoration for your Christmas tree
Mary & Joseph travel on a donkey to Bethlehem - Come and make some edible donkey dung and play with some donkey dung gloop
Baby Jesus is born - Get messy and make a manger crispy cake with a jelly baby as baby Jesus
The shepherds visit baby Jesus - Designing a voucher for someone at Christmas. like a gift of your time or think of a way you could help them in some way.
The 3 Kings visit Jesus, bringing gifts - Creating a crown like the kings may have worn
The Star - Make some star shaped wrapping paper for that special present
Christingle - An orange, a candle, a ribbon and some sweets, to make your very own Christingle.
Nativity Scene Work together and make a life size nativity scene using lots of boxes, cellotape, glue, & paint.
was where the Dads came in handy. Lots of work creating a stable, and
a manger for baby Jesus. Sheep and a donkey were also there, even
though the donkey was pink!
Once complete the nativity play was
told. This play had an unusual visitor, Santa Claus. Now everyone knows
that Santa is not part of the 'real Christmas story' so he was sent
away each time he appeared, with Joseph ready to pull his beard of more
than once if he kept appearing! However Santa with his Yo Ho Ho will be
back to visit the children on Christmas eve I expect.
We all gathered round for a few Christmas songs, before a final challenge to see
How many people can you fit on a donkey ?
donkey outline was drawn on the floor and the challenge was to see how
many children could fit into the space without falling outside the
lines. I lost count but we had well over 12 people on the donkey.
A great Christmas meal was provided and each family received a special present of a Holy Bible.

meal was lit by a myriad of christmas tree lights of all shapes and
colours draped around the hall. withthe main lights dimmed it was
really quite an atmosphere and a lot of fun.
 The next Messy Church will be on Sunday 13th January, same place same time - St. Mungo's church hall, 4.00 to 6.00pm.
Come along it is a great way to celebrate Jesus
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