Fred and Joyce after service

Fred and daughter Carol  Fred and Joyce farewell after their time at St. Mungo's
| | Fred Harrison Ordination - 7 November 2013 |
It seems only yesterday that Fred Harrison was preaching to us in St. Mungo's as part of his training for the ministry.
In fact Fred preached to us for 5 months between June and October 2012,
bringing his unique style of ministry which connected well with young
and old alike.
On Thursday 7th November he was formally fully ordained as an Ordained Local Minister (OLM) at Howgate Church.
small church in Howgate was filled with members of congregations from
all the churches in Penicuik, as well as members from Presbytery who
were to lead the service and perform the ordination. Such were the
numbers that the gallery, not often used in Howgate, was called into
service to hold a number of people, giving them a terrific view
into the bargain.
Fred was resplendent in his kilt and wearing
for the first time I've seen him, a clerical collar. He was supported
as always by his loving and ebullient wife Joyce and their daughter Carol.
the call to worship we sang 'Be still for the presence of the Lord',
then heard readings from Psalm 134, and Timothy 3. Singing 'Beneath the
cross of Jesus' led us to the sermon preached by Rev Keith Mack
minister at St. Johns and Kings Park Dalkeith, where Fred spent his
final period of training.
The ordination required Fred to
answer a set of questions relating to his faith and calling, and the
church, after which he signed the formula, providing
him license to preach the Gospel of the grace of God and to
exercise his gifts for the Holy Ministry.
then presented signs of shared ministry to Fred, in the form of a
Bible, a jug of water representing the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and
a Communion cup celebrating Holy Communion knowing Christ is present
among us.
After the closing of the service we met socially in
the hall for refreshments and fellowship. Fred and Joyce were so
excited that Fred had successfully attained the goal he set himself all
those years ago. He was also glad to be back in Penicuik where he feels
his calling draws him. He now has to get used to the title Reverend,
and hoped that he would not wake up the next morning to find it was all
a dream! I told him not to worry, this was no dream as God was truly
looking down, and joining with the rest of us to welcome him into His
Once we know of his commitment to services and
pastoral work I am sure you will wish to join one of the services he
will lead, as a welcome to Fred and to our town.
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