This looks a bit gloopy ! Jelly filled tub with bones
Dancing puppets
 Blowing bubbles
Karaoke puppets in church
Rae Hunter tells story
 Sheila Anderson leads the prayer.time
| | Messy Dry Bones - 29 May 2016 |
Messy Church afternoon on Sunday 29 May took to the garden behind the
hall to enjoy craft making in the sunshine. The theme for
the afternoon was based on the Old Testament book of Ezekiel, chapter
7, and his prophecy about the dry bones in the Valley of Dry Bones,
when God breathed life into a whole lot of dried up bones. The story
tells how God breathes new life into anything that is tired or
'past it', even us!
The selection of crafts included
Dig out the bones
- this is a real messy one with a bucketful of jelly mixed with bones
(bone shaped doggy biscuits in our case). The task was to see how
many bones were in the bucket. A bit 'gloopy' that one. We asked, 'Why
did God use bones in the story?'
Dancing Puppet
- made a a puppet from pipe cleaners to see if we could make it dance,
just as we may feel like dancing if God fills us with His hope.
Building bones
- This we did in the garden, trying to beat the clock arranging all the
bones to make a complete skeleton. This is when its handy to know the
difference between your toe and finger bones, otherwise you end up with
hands where your feet should be!
Moving as One
- again in the garden where we made wind chimes that looked like an
army when altogether. We thought of what sort of things a big group of
people can do, if they work together.
Blowing Bubbles
- yes, another one out in the garden, where we created the biggest
bubble trail we could manage, thinking how God puts new life ito things
and situations today. We then asked the children to retrieve all
the bubbles and put them back in the bucket :-)
Bone strengthening smoothie
- had us making fruit smoothies, full of calcium to make strong bones.
Margaret Webster brought along her special machine and a wide slection
of fruits, juices, yoghurt and milk to make a tasty drink.
headed over to the church for the celebration time where Sheila
Anderson and Rae Hunter, with the help of the puppets, told us the
story of Ezekiel's prophecy. To help understand the story we had hidden
all the bones of a skeleton around the church, which the children had
to find. These were then pinned to the puppet stage, in the right
places of course. This took a while to get right.
puppets then led the singing of 'Dem Bones' in karaoke style, to
a video of dancing and singing skeletons, with the lyrics on screen so
we could all follow and join in the song.
Sheila led the prayer time, relating a story of someone unwell that is
dear to her, and who she prays for. The children then wrote the name of
a poorly person on a bone, a large bone shaped dog biscuit, that they
wished to pray for.
Back to the hall for a meal with all the
families, talking about what we had learned today. Macaroni and cheese
was followed by jelly and fruit, but no dog biscuits this time.

Hearty meal and time to chat
The final Messy Church of the season will be Sunday June 26. 4.00 to 6.00pm
For more information on Messy Church
Contact: Joan Cape 674276 capefamily@talktalk.net Katrina McDonald kmcd11@yahoo.co.uk
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