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Finlay lights third advent candle

Narrator Agnes Ovenstone

Joseph - Mark Wong & Mary- Mary Paterson, in stable

Three Wise Men?
Jenny, Kenny & Andrew

Shepherds Elaine, Sheila, Ina and Joyce.


John thanks the players

Christmas Nativity - 15 December 2019

Finalé lineup of players.

Our third Sunday in advent started with young Finlay Jackson, assisted by dad, lighting the third candle. Agnes Ovenstone introduced the nativity play that took the 12 days of Christmas song to tell the wonderful story of the world's biggest birthday party.

The congregation all knew the song, but this version changed the words to form a 'Pop-Up' version. Agnes explained that a Pop-Up play is spontaneous, where nobody is too sure what happens next!

We were guided through the first few lines of the revised song which started with 'On the birthday of Jesus it's POP nativity', where the congregation were encouraged to make a 'popping' sound with finger in the mouth! The two turtle doves were changed to Mary and Joe!

Mary, aptly played by Mary Paterson, and Joseph, played by Mark Wong, arrived at the crib on the stage. So that made for the next line in our song' Mary and Joe', which we sang. Having covered one and two, what were there three of, asked Agnes? French Hens was the reply.
For our popup it was the three wise men of course! Time for Kenny, Andrew, and Jenny Ramage (Ed; who said they were all men?) to enter the stable, carrying their gifts of Gold, Frankicense and Myrrh.  Another line to add to our song.

We were on to four calling birds. 
Not more birds cried Agnes! What were there four of in our story? Shepherds, Elaine Jacobs, Sheila Haig, Ina McLaughlin, and Joyce Hunter. What did the four shepherds cry when they saw the angels? 'Arghh' Wouldn't you if angels appeared on a dark night?

Our song was building up. On the birthday of Jesus we now had four shepherds, three wise men, Mary and Joe, and Jesus the special baby. Time for the angels to appear. Our group, led by Angel Gabriel played by Charlie Sprott, headed for the pulpit with Charlie in the highest spot. What message were the angels bringing, that of the new born king, 'Peace to all people'.

But there were more than just people in that stable. We were introduced to the Donkeys, which the congregation had to reply with 'hee-haw' response, Camels which 'moahh', sheep that 'baaaaa', and cows that 'mooo'. All this under a starlit sky.

Time to bring them all together in our 12 days of Christmas song. 12 Stars a-shining, 11 cows a mooing, 10 sheep a-baaaing, 9 camels moaning, 8 donkeys braying, 7 angels singing 'Peace to all people', which was 6. One missing, number 5? 
To replace the five golden rings, Agnes chose 5  noisy things, to which the animals and people all together made a lot of noise!!!

Agnes then put it all into her talk. Mary giving birth would not have been the 'Christmas cardy' scene we often see depicted. It would have been messy and painful. In a smelly barn, a long way from home, family, and friends is not how she would have wanted it to be. But life isn't all pretty chocolate box pictures. We looked at Forest Gump who said 'You never know what your gonna get. Sometimes it's great, sometimes not so great.'

At Christmas Jesus stepped into our messy lives. He lived with us in all the mess and pain and the not how I wanted it to be.'
Christmas is a good time for all of us to talk with God, who became a baby; who  knows each of us better than we know ourselves, and still likes us, even with all the mess!.

We concluded our Pop-Up Nativity by all singing our full Pop-Up 12 days of Christmas, complete with the congregation adding the sound effects.

                      On the birthday of Jesus it's POP Nativity
12 stars a shining
11 cows a moooing
10 sheep a-baaing
9 camels moaning
8 donkeys braying      
7 angels singing
'Peace to all people'
5 noisy things
4 shepherds, Arghh
3 wise men
Mary and Joe
And Jesus the special baby.

Well done to all those who played the parts, Agnes the narrator, Eileen Marchant on the piano, and most of all the congregation for working hard to bring the story alive.

Click here to listen to the whole story
Published - 17 December 2019
Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish Church (Church of Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838