| Palm Sunday Praise Service - 9 April 2017 |

Joan Cape, Caroline Toms, Graham McDonald and Neil Cape
Sunday continued the theme of our Celebration of gifts weekend with
Joan Cape leading the service with the musical support of Graham
Mcdonald on piano, Caroline Toms on guitar and vocals, and Joan's
husband Neil on bass guitar.
a some different versions of old favourites gave visitors an
opportunity to celebrate with something new. We opened with 'Majesty,
worship His Majesty' which moved straight into 'Hosanna! Hosanna!',
both well known to us.
Margaret Webster took the prayers of
adoration and thanksgiving, before we sand 'Sing to the Lord'. Fiona
Hutcheson, the Celebration of Gifts leader read from Matthew 25,
relating the parable of the Three Servants and the use of their talents. Another
favourite with all ages 'This little light of mine', well known by the
Sunday School children, was followed by Agnes Ovenstone reading from
Romans 12, Life in God's Service.
Joan then interviewed a number of members,who
described their 'gifts' and how they use them to forward the word of
God and Jesus. Bill Webster talked of the spiritual side, whilst Jim
Paterson talked more of the practical activities, followed by Christine
Jackson who not only organises the knitting for eastern Europe, but
also volunteers to help those in need on our doorstep, with Food Facts
Friends every week. Finally Pam Shanks told us how here love of flowers
ensures we have a blaze of colour and scents each Sunday to welcome us
into church.
congregation exercised their lungs with 'I will offer up my spirit'
before the offering was made, followed by 'Take my life Lord' to close
the service with prayers and that well known favourite 'To God be the
After the morning service we were treated to a Sunday
Soup, Bread and Cheese lunch, prepared by the Bible Study Group and the
Housegoup teams. Around 50 people took the time to join the lunch and
share a time of fellowship and reflection of the mornings service. A
great way to end this Palm Sunday with a difference.
Updated - 11 April 2017 | |