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Your dream home?

something closer to nature?

Fiona and Alison sing

Doug McGavin reads Psalm

Anne Thomson reads John

Rev Graham Astles request

The congregation

Joint Church of Scotland Service - 1 March 2020

Christian Unity  & New Housing

Penicuik north Kirk Praise Band leads the singing.
St. Mungo's congregation hosted a joint Church of Scotland service on Sunday 1st March, welcoming members from Penicuik North Kirk, South & Howgate Church, and Glencorse Church to the morning service.  Leading our service was Rev Peter Wood, Pioneer & New Housing Co-ordinator for Lothian Presbytery, and locum minister at Penicuik South and Howgate Church. Leading our praise for the service were the praise band from Penicuik North Kirk, Rev Graham Astles on drums, singers Fiona and Alison, Eunice and Ricky on guitars, and Malcolm on piano, together with St. Mungo's resident organist Eileen Marchant.

The Rev John Urquhart welcomed everyone to St. Mungo's and opened the service with our Call to Worship, leading us into the first praise, 'Hymn 159 Lord, of the years'.    

The 'opening prayer' led by Rev John Urquhart was followed by an 'All Age Talk' from Rev Peter Wood. He talked of the new house building programme in and around Penicuik, making the town much bigger. He showed new houses in Penicuik, Bellwood, Haddington, then different types and styles of houses.
He asked us what type of house would we like to live in? Various examples were displayed, from modern, to eco style. We all have our own ideas of the perfect house. Warm, open plan, bright. most of all shelter. 

What does the bible say about houses? Did Adam and Eve have a house? No, they were in a garden!. Did Jesus have a house? He lived with his mother and father until a young man. 1st Peter goes on to say, this world is not our home. Jesus told us of his Fathers house, having many rooms, where we can be ourselves with our God.

The praise band led us in the Stuart Townend arrangement of   'The Lord's my Shepherd', which was followed by our Old Testament reading 'Psalm Chapter 8' read by
Doug McGavin of Peniucik South and Howgate.The New Testament reading was from 'John 16: v12-15', read by Anne Thomson of Penicuik North Kirk.   

Rev Peter Wood called Sheila Anderson from Glencorse Church, whom many of us know as one of the leaders of Messy Church, and Hope4Penicuik, to talk about what is happening with the new housing around Penicuik. 'How can we, as a church, engage with this new community'. Sheila told us of her prayer walking activities, taking the gospel to the new areas. Sheila shared several notable episodes from her recent contacts in the new projects. She also told us that she and the team were not in control, God was taking them to places they would not have thought of, which is a real challenge. An open invitation to join the team was left for all the congregation.

The praise band returned to lead us another Stuart Townend / Keith Getty hymn
 'In Christ alone'.

Peter opened the sermon by asking us to bless someone in the congregation from a different church, that we had not spoken to already. It was good to be together. He developed the act of moving that we had just done,  to the trials of moving house, which Peter has just completed, moving into a new house. He then talked about what is precious to us as Christians?   Today we live in a society wher the individual is the centre of everything, is king! As Christians we are family, we need one another. Discipleship is not a solo performance. 'Peter's sermon'.
Peter presented a video clip of the church working with a new housing development near Aylesbury and how that helped the new community thrive.
Watch the video (first 3 minutes) www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV4jhA7mCQw

The praise band led the congregation in 'This is amazing grace' , after which Bill Webster led the 'Prayers for others'. Our offering and prayer of thanksgiving was followed by Graham Astles request and our closing hymn 'O Breath of life'. John closed the service with the blessing

A bread and soup lunch in the church hall, after the service, attracted most of the members from this joint church service.                     


Neil Cape

Sheila Anderson
Published - 3 March 2020
Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish Church (Church of Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838