Tempting home baking
Browsing at the book stall
 Working out the raffle answers
| | Macmillan coffee morning - 27th September |
Mungo’s once again joined the Macmillan Big Coffee Morning which
runs nationally every year. Joining Aaron House and St. James the Less,
the people and shoppers out and about in Penicuik on Saturday
morning didn’t have far to go for a refreshing cup of coffee or
with refreshments was a raffle to guess how many hundreds and thousands
were on the cake (looked like millions and trillions to me), and which
cup of Cappuccino coffee, from around 25 or so, was made with a double
A book stall also attracted a few visitors with an eye to a bargain.
The event raised £366 for the great work of Macmillan Cancer Support
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