Holy week commenced on
Palm Sunday and St. Mungo's held a special morning family service and
played host to
the evening united churches of Penicuik service.
Both were well
attended and led by the Rev. Dr. John Stevenson. The week
continued with further united church services across the town,
leading to the Good Friday service in St. Mungo's.
The Saturday Easter vigil once
again brought all the Penicuik
churches together at
St. Mungo's where Father Rob Warren of St. James the Less lit
the candle from the |

Candlelit Vigil on Saturday evening |
fire in front of St. Mungo's and led the
congregation, each with a lit candle, into the Church for a service
led by the Rev John Stevenson. This year we thankfully did not exit
the church to be greeted by a snowfall, as happened last year.
You had to be up early on Easter Sunday to take part in the
Sunrise Service. Father Rob Warren led the service in St. Mungo's
churchyard at 5.30am before heading to the top of Broomhill to
welcome the rising sun and the start of the day of Christ's
Resurrection. As is the norm for these events St. James the Less
puts on a welcome cooked breakfast to feed the congregation, which
included many young people from the specially organised "sleepover"
from the Easter Vigil.
Sunrise from Broomhill
The Holy Week celebrations were concluded with the Family
service on Easter Sunday, led by Rev Dr. John Stevenson, where the
church was adorned with fresh daffodils, a sign of Easter and the
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The baptism of Jack Butler, son to David and Laura, and brother
to Megan, also took place as part of the Easter family service. [more]
Gathering at Broomhill to greet the sunrise;
on the day of Christ's resurrection
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