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a favourite service and sermon from 2022 from this list of services
watch or hear one
of our previous services, click on the year 2022 | Topic
and Theme | Presbytery Service of Union - Thursday 7 April
 To hear this service click the link in the table below. The hymns are alternative Youtube versions to those used in church. A service to mark the union of St. Mungo's with Penicuik South and Howgate to form Penicuik
Trinity Community Church was led by Presbytery on Thursday 7 April.
Members from Penicuik South and Howgate, St. Mungos, and the other
churches in Penicvuik joined to hear and take part in the formal union
of our two churches.
Rev Mark Nicholas took over from Robin Hill who had unfortunately
tested Covid positive. Mark welcomed the congregation, opening the
service and leading us into our first praise 'Praise to the Lord, the
Almighty, the King of creation' (CH124).
The Rev Peter Wood,
minister of Penicuik South and Howgate led us in prayer, asking for the
blessing and support of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as we venture
forward and readied ourselves for the new
Congregation member Mary
Darling read the bible passage, taken from John 3: v1-21
(NicodemusVisits Jesus') telling the story of a Pharisee Nicodemus, a
leader of the Jews, conversation with Jesus. The Rev Mark Nicholas
returned to deliver his sermon based on the Nicodemus reading.
Our second praise 'I the Lord of sea and sky' followed.
Presbytery Clerk John McCulloch Read the history behind this Union, before Rev John Urquhart delivered a Prayer of thanksgiving.
Consecration of the Union was led by Rev Mark Nicholas who asked the
congregation, who having come together agreeing to be one congregation
in Christ Jesus, under the designation of “Penicuik Trinity
Community Church”, to pledge ourselves, in the presence of God
and depending
on his help, to be faithful to the covenant of unity, love and peace
into which you are now entering, for the better service of
Christ’s kingdom and the glory of his Name. We assented by all
standing to hear the consecration. The Rev John Urquhart was formally
installed and affirmed as minister of Penicuik Trinity Community
The Rev John Urquhart led prayers for the new church, concluding with the Lord's Prayer.
final praise was the popular and relevant hymn for this service 'Guide
me, O thou great Jehovah'. Rev Mark Nicholas closed the service with
the Blessing.
We retired to the church hall for refreshments
and the oppotunity to chat with friends and the members of
| Penicuik Churches Together Service - 3 April Join the St Mungo’s with Penicuik South and Howgate congregation for the Kirk in Penicuik Joint churches in
Penicuik North Kirk
We continue the Kip theme Five Marks of Mission with Teaching | |
The joint service was led by the Rev Graham Astles. supported by the Rev John Urquhart and Rev Peter Wood, with the
congregations of Penicuik South and Howgate, St. Mungo's, and Penicuik North Kirk churches.
(Note there was NO service at St. Mungo's church this Sunday )
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 27 March 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Sunday service on
line and
in church.
service was led by the Rev John Urquhart and the
congregations of Penicuik South and Howgate, and St. Mungo's churches.
The service also included the celebration of Holy Communion
This was our final video service. We hope you have enjoyed them over the past 2 years
during the pandemic.
in church service will continue with the full order of service. All
visitors to the church will be made most welcome to join us in our
worship and praise.
The final abridged copy of the service will be available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 20 March 2022  WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Sunday service on
line and
in church.
This weeks theme: David and Uriahgate (2 Samuel 11-12)
service was led by the Rev John Urquhart and the
congregations of Penicuik South and Howgate, and St. Mungo's churches.
this Sunday we will be winding down our video services, and ceasing
them shortly. We hope you have enjoyed them over the past 2 years
during the pandemic. An audio version on the website together with links to the video songs in the Order of Service will become available.
in church service will continue with the full order of service. All
visitors to the church will be made most welcome to join us in our
worship and praise.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 13 March 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Sunday service on
line and
in church.
This weeks theme: The Lord’s Covenant With Abraham (Genesis 15)
service was led by the Rev Peter Wood, supported by Rev John Urquhart and the
congregations of Penicuik South and Howgate, and St. Mungo's churches.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 6 March 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Kirk in Penicuik Joint churches on line and in church Sunday service.
The service was led by Sheila Anderson and Eunice Astles, and a team of people from Penicuik North Kirk, Penicuik South & Howgate and Penicuik: St Mungo’s.
We welcomed as guest preacher: The Rev Dr John Young, Liberton Kirk | |
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 27 February 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Sunday service on
line and
in church.
The Transfiguration of Jesus is an event where Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain
This Sunday theme Transfiguration (Luke 9: 28-43a) The Rev Peter Wood led the service, with
of the congregation taking partsThe
Rev John Urquhart will led the Holy Communion
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 20 February 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Sunday service on
line and
in church.
We continue the story of David in
the books of Samuel.
This Sunday theme A
promise kept: Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9) The
Rev John Urquhart led the service, with
of the congregation taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 13 February 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Sunday service on
line and
in church.
This week we return to the story of David in
the books of Samuel. This Sunday theme from 2 Samuel 7: 'The God of all Grace. Prophet Nathan delivers God's message to David' The Rev John Urquhart led the service, with
of the congregation taking parts.An
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 6 February 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Kirk in Penicuik Joint churches on line and in church Sunday service.
weeks theme commences the Five Marks of Mission programme with 'Telling' The Rev Graham Astles led the service, with Rev Peter Wood leading in St. Mungo's, with
of the congregation taking parts..
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 30 January 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Sunday service on
line and
in church.
weeks theme continued our story of King David who is now intent on bringing the ark of the covenant back to his capital.
We welcomed back the Rev John Urquhart to lead our service, with
of the congregation taking parts.. The service also included the celebration of Holy Communion An
abridged copy of the service will be available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 23 January 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Sunday service on
line and
in church.
weeks theme will be looking at the
2022 Week of prayer for Christian Unity
The Rev Peter Wood led our service, with
of the congregation taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church &
online 16 January 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Sunday service on
line and
in church.
This week we return to the story of David in
the books of Samuel.
This Sunday theme
is now ruler over all israel. What next?
David Hogg led our service, with
of the congregation taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here | St. Mungo's Sunday Service in church & online 9 January 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s. for
our Kirk in Penicuik Joint churches on line and in church Sunday service.
This weeks theme - 'Introducing the 5 Marks of Mission'
The Rev Peter Wood led the service, with members
of Penicuik South & Howgate, Penicuik North Kirk, and Penicuik St. Mungo's taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or listen here
| St. Mungo's New Year Sunday Service in
church & online 2 January 2022 WELCOME
to St Mungo’s, continuing the celebration of the new born
weeks theme - 'Jesus
presentation in the Temple'
to the gospel, Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus to the Temple in
Jerusalem forty days after his birth to complete Mary’s
purification after childbirth, and to perform the redemption of the
firstborn, in obedience to the Law of Moses, Leviticus 12, Exodus
Martin Pearce led the service,
supported by members of the congregation taking parts.
abridged copy of the service was available on our dial in
audio service, no internet connection required,
on 01968 700121 or
listen here
| Penicuik: St. Mungo's Parish
Church (Church of
Scotland). Scottish Charity No SC005838 |